Friday, June 27, 2008

Bus Charter Trips Are Green Mode of Transportation

Robert Janis

As the price of gasoline and diesel continues to rise, people are looking for an alternative to driving long distances to an event in the family car. One alternative is to take the bus.

Let’s crunch the numbers. A recent study by Nathan Associates, a research firm based in Arlington, Virginia, found that a motorcoach or bus charter is the most fuel-efficient mode of transportation in the U.S. The study shows that motorcoaches offer 148.4 passenger miles per gallon of fuel. Other modes of transportation do not compete. The same study shows that passenger miles per gallon of intercity trains is 74.1, air carriers achieve a figure of 40.9 and the passenger automobile is 35.4.

Moreover, the number one people mover is motorcoach or bus charter transportation. For example, a 2000 study by R.L. Banks & Associates showed that motorcoaches carried 863,000,000 passengers in the United States and Canada in 1999. In the United States alone it has been reported that about 774,000,000 were carried by motorcoaches. It has been reported that motorcoaches or bus charters carry one-fourth more passengers than the airlines and two times more than Amtrak and commuter rail lines combined.

And the motorcoach or bus charter industry has steadily improved on its fuel economy through the years. In 2004, consumption of fuel per passenger mile was 5.3 percent lower than the average from 1992 through 2004. And, although the air carriers industry witnessed the best reduction of fuel consumption per passenger mile (6.6 percent), it still consumed three times more fuel per passenger mile as the motorcoach or bus charter industry in 2004.

In addition, bus charter transportation is more efficient as far as energy intensity is concerned. For example, in 2004 the motorcoach industry consumed 938 BTUs per passenger mile. Air carriers had a figure of 3,341; passenger cars were measured at 3,527; and intercity passenger trains achieved 2,134 BTUs per passenger mile.

It has also been discovered that driving habits can account for a fuel savings of as much as 30 percent. And bus charter companies diligently train their drivers and no doubt teach them the best driving habits that not only assure safety but also helps to conserve on fuel.

In addition, technologies are constantly improving things. For example, there is more use of six speed automatic transmissions with a second overdrive that helps with fuel efficiency.

More Green Facts to Consider

Motorcoaches used on charter bus trips for many companies include GPS technology which helps to control unnecessary idling and the company can also monitor the speed and braking patterns of the driver. This helps conserve on tire wear and fuel economy.

It is also said that a motorcoach can replace as many as 55 vehicles from the highway; produce less carbon emissions than a passenger car and helps to reduce carbon dioxide because it replaces so many vehicles from being on the road.

Here are more green facts concerning bus charters or motorcoaches:

• Since 2006 motorcoaches use ultra low sulphur diesel fuel which nearly eliminates sulphur emissions.
• As more coaches with new engines introduced in 2007 that burn the low sulphur diesel fuel appear, 90 percent of black smoke will be eliminated.
• A study done by Transport Canada indicated that motorcoaches emit less greenhouse gases than trains, airplanes and automobiles.
• More and more motorcoaches are using biodiesel.
• Motorcoaches reduce congestion and pollution by taking more than 425 million cars off the road each year.
• A study by the American Bus Association shows that motorcoaches have a fuel efficiency of 32.5 miles per gallon. Passenger cars average 27.7 mpg.
• If a motorcoach is used to travel the average 12,500 miles a year the average automobile travels, then carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by 4.3 tons per car per year.
• Carbon dioxide emissions are reduced an average 85 percent per passenger mile for every person who chooses to travel by motorcoach instead of driving alone.
• Diesel motorcoaches used today are more than 98 percent cleaner as far as emissions are concerned than the diesels used in the 1980s.

The Future

And the motorcoach industry is not resting on its laurels. Green advancements as they concern bus charter travel continues. For example, in 2010 motorcoaches will be even more fuel efficient in order to comply with new Environmental Protection Agency standards. The industry is already working on design components and emission hardware meant to reduce emissions even more. For example, an engine scheduled for release in 2010 will eliminate most nitrous oxides.

So the next time you are thinking about a long trip with a lot of people think about taking it in a bus.

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